Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Warm Comfort Food

It's cold and rainy here, sleeting some here and there and a little snow. The kids and I are on break until January 5th so we had a lazy day today. I did do the laundry and got most of my Christmas decorations down. We also made a quick trip to the fabric shoppe to get some material for a project I am working on. I am fighting a cold, so I wanted something nice and warm for supper. Last week at work, we had a chili cook-off for our contract physicist's last day. He is from Oregon by way of Florida, so he wanted a "real" Texas chili cook-off for his going away party. My friend Sherri made this awesome Cheesy Chicken Chili! I thought I would pass along the recipe. It is the ultimate comfort food! (it's very easy too!)

Sherri's Cheesy Chicken Chili

4 cooked chicken breasts (shredded) I only used 3
1 can chopped green chilis
3 cans great northern beans, undrained
1 medium jar of Pace Picante sauce
8 oz shredded Monterey Jack cheese

Mix all together and simmer until hot.

Serve with tortilla chips! Enjoy!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas! We did. I have seriously fallen behind on my blogging, but with the hustle and bustle of the holidays almost over, I will do better - promise! Thought I would share a picture of my two kiddos in front of our tree! They are almost too old, so they think, to have their picture made each year.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Favorite Christmas Treat - Millionaires

I am participating in the Show-us-your-life post today at Kelly's Korner. Christmas in our house DOES NOT begin until my Mom makes her Millionaire candy. We patiently wait while the pecans are chopped and the googy goodness melts in the pan. It is a two day process with making them one day and dipping the next. I would like to say, I have swiped some out of the fridge before they are dipped, but at 30-something (ha!) I still understand the consequences that would involve! Our family loves these, the recipients of these in a gift expect them year after year and even the mail-woman salivates when she finds her package in the mail box each year! I hope you all enjoy these - I may very well lose my place in the family for putting this recipe on the web!!

Mom's Millionaires (My mother is from Texas, she calls them Texas Millionaires, but me, as an Okie, can't seem to use the Texas part, so I refer to them as Mom's)

1 C. light brown sugar
1 C. white sugar
1 C. dark Karo syrup
2 C. Carnation milk
2 sticks margarine
1 tsp. vanilla

Mix all ingredients except 1 cup of milk in a pan. Let it come to a good boil. Add another cup of milk SLOWLY as not to stop the boiling. Cook to soft ball stage. Add 4 cups of pecans, brocken into large pieces. Pour into a large buttered pan. (Use a cookie sheet with sides). Place in the refrigerator overnight. Cut into 1" squares and dip in chocolate. (My mom spoons hers onto the cookie sheet in 50 cent piece sizes.) Chocolate: Melt 2 LARGE (1 lb size) Hershey candy bars and 1/3 lb paraffin.

My mother is proud of these each year! The pecans come from our own orchard and they make this candy so yummy! Hope you all enjoy these, and let me know if you try them!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

3 Days and counting....

Tickets? Check!
Map? Check!
Clothes? Check!
Pillow? Check!
2 best girls? Check!
WICKED t-shirt? Check!

It is only 3 days until our road trip up to Kansas City to see Wicked! I am so excited. We are trying very hard to concentrate on our work this week, but it is very hard.
I have several orders ready to go out, if you are waiting on something from me, it is on the way! yeah! I want to see pictures of all the cuties in their holiday best from The Polkadot Factory! Hop on over to my other blog and look at the stinking cute background I put on it!! www.thepolkadotfactory.blogspot.com

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cute ideas

I had to share this little baby skirt with you. I have a friend that has a "preemie." Elyse was born 6 weeks early and is a cute, little peanut. She is up to 7 pounds+ right now. I made her the cutest "turkey" onesie to wear on Thanksgiving and her "Momo" wanted to know if I could make her a skirt to go with it, and a hairbow. I haven't made a skirt or any other garment in a LONG time. I do a lot of clothing embellishments but never have made the actually piece of clothing itself. I had an idea in my head, I am forever designing in my head. I talked it over with my Mom, who can make anything. Since I didn't have a pattern, I needer her advice. She said, oh, it's easy....figure your width then make a hem and a casing for the elastic.....ya ya ya. I sketched and cut and threw away and then finally had an epiphany...get the Cabbage Patch!!! The doll is about the same size as Ellie. So, away I went and this is what I came up with! Please excuse the naked doll, I didn't have a top for her. I made the bow to match the outfit.

This set was made for a friend to give as a baby gift. I love the pink and brown and this little one is a "cowgirl." I decorated the denim overalls and made a set of burp cloths to match. Then I made her a "keepsake" chenille bib. I love it!

I have been quite busy lately with Christmas orders and baby orders. My newest thing is a "diaper cupcake". I will post some on here later.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday week. I am looking forward to a few days off.

Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon

Call me crazy, but I was one of the millions that saw New Moon first!! It was an awesome experience and I got to share it with several of my greatest friends! We began our "Twilight Evening" at Jill's house. We ate and laughed and talked and planned...and look who dropped by....OMG! It's Edward Cullen!!!!!!

Before we left for the theater, we watched Twilight. This is Bethany, Abby, and me just relaxing on the sofa. We were so excited!! We didn't get to finish it because we HAD to be at the theater by 9p.m. I mean, the movie started at midnight and we NEEDED good seats!!

Here we are!!! YEAH!

We had great places in the line. There were about 50 people in line in front of us. But within a few minutes, the entire theater was full of crazed Twilight fans. We sat in line for about 1.5 hours before they let us go into the theater. Again, there was lots of laughing and talking, getting to know other "Team Twilight" groupies, and pictures, of course!

Listen up girls!! When they open the doors get to the first empty row and run, all the way to the end, we need the WHOLE row! Got it? Ok, on three, ready? 1,2,3 break!!

We got awesome seats!! Whoo hoo, only 1.5 more hours of waiting! They let us in the theater at 10:30p.m. We had a blast, taking pictures, updating FaceBook, sending texts to friends who only WISHED they were there!! Hahaha We shared lots of popcorn and by the time the movie started we were set to soak up some Edward!!!

We had an awesome night, Bet and I stayed the night with Sherri and Abby and I am so glad we did. We got home around 2:45 a.m. After we ran around like teenagers swooning over the Cullens and the wolfpack, we settled down to a VERY SHORT night!! Unfortunately, the alarm sounded after only 3.5 hours! We had a plan about how the day was going to go ---- MOUNTAIN DEW!! Bet hooked us up with some caffeine!!

Overall, it was a great night with friends and a great movie!! Thanks girlies!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Holiday plans

This year I want to put a "slow down" button on my holidays. Thanksgiving and Christmas are my favorite time of the year. I love to be around my family and friends. I love seeing the sparkle in the kids eyes as they write thier lists to Santa! I just want to be able to savor every moment this year. My extended family has taken a hit this year as far as deaths and sickness in the family and I just am blessed that my family is healthy this holiday season - what else can I ask for!! I have been so inspired by Teresa over at A Baby Changes Everything. She is a professional Christmas tree decorator. I can't wait for the Friday after Thanksgiving - instead of hitting the sales, I'm hitting the storage building and dragging out ALL the Christmas decorations!!! I can't wait to decorate my tree. I can't wait to smell my favortie Aromatique candle burning, and mostly can't wait to wrap all the gifts in pretty packages and seeing them under my tree. By the way, most of those gifts have already been bought - that's the best part!
I am going to strive to reduce the stress this year, I am going to do things ahead so I can enjoy the moment and the excitement of the season. Last year, I spent so much time trying to catch up, I usually missed the whole thing! I am getting to do some exciting things this year and I want to be able to soak it all in. First of all, I have been asked to make two outfits for a new friend. She is taking her daughter to see 101 Dalmations (the play) in Dallas so she wants an outfit for her to wear. My pencil has been busy getting a plan on paper. It is going to be darling, I will definately post a picture. But the best one, she is taking her that same weekend to the Neiman Marcus Christmas parade and wants a Christmas outfit for that!! Doesn't that sound exciting! I have alredy bought the fabrics and only have one word - Fabulous. Pictures will be posted for that too!!!
My Mom and I always spend one Saturday, going to the local Christmas bazaar/show and then we hit our favorite shops that have thier Open houses the same day. We go to our favorite resturant and just enjoy the day. I look forward to it every year.
Overall, I want my holiday to be a memory making time for me and my family. I also wish the same for each of you!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

My Favorite Things Party!

I stumbled across a blogpost at 320 Sycamore that is a "my favorite things party." The object is to list 5-10 things that are your favorite that you would send a friend in a care package. The date of her party is Nov 19, I'm doing mine today because I think it is totally going to be fun!

1.) Scentsy - Orange Clove scented squares
2.) Bath and Body Works Body Butter - Coconut Lime Verbena scent
3.) Buxom Lips lip gloss by Bare Minerals (it makes your lips all tinglely and peppermint scented.)
4.) Canon Rebel XTI ( I heart my camera!!)
5.) My mom's chocolate chip cookies
6.) Big Sexy Hair hairspray
7.) Target gift cards ( I heart Target - not as much as I do my camera - but alot!)
8.) Scrapbooking supplies
9.) Turtle flavored coffee
10.) Selah CD's ( I love them ALL)

So, if you're my friend this is what you would get in a care package, if I sent care packages, and if I had unlimited funds, and if I didn't keep all this stuff myself, and...well, you get the point - be satisfied if you get a card from me!!!

Only 7 weeks til Christmas!!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What an update!!

This weekend was an action-packed-to-the-rim! Friday at work we dressed up for Halloween, three of my friends and myself went as "The 3 blind mice and the farmer's wife." It was quite hilarious, the farmer's wife was a guy!!
We were pretty cute!
When I got home, we went to the Harvest Festival at McK's school. The PTSA booth was temporary tattoos - I think we tattooded every kid in the gym!!! McK had a friend come over to spend the night - teenage boys - that's all I need to say....for those of you who have boys, please tell me they get easier! Hahaha Hormones!!!

Saturday, I woke up early and didn't stop until after 10:00p.m. We had Trunk or Treat at our church and I had to get my trunk ready, bag the candy, make a few decorations for other booths, and get my costume together. BUT, before Trunk or Treat, we had to go to Clint's aunts suprise 66th birthday. I needed a gift, so I made a beautiful fall wreath for her. She had a fit because she didn't win one I had made for the family reunion so I knew she would love it, and she did!! And she was so suprised! After that, off to the T or T. We had over 300 kids! I have never seen such cute fairies, witches, doctors, indian princesses, draculas, clowns, but the cutest, most unusual costume was a chef! He was so cute! I have never seen a chef costume. We had a blast with all the kids.
Clint and the boys had worked cattle all day and when they came to see how the night was going they were starving. We went and ate mexican food and watched some football at the resturant. Unfortunately, my OSU Cowboys lost to Texas. :(
It was such a wonderful day, but I was dead tired! I collapsed into my nice, fluffy bed! I forgot to mention I had done 6 loads of laundry and my sheets!!
Sunday, we were up early thanks to Daylight savings time! We made pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Wyatt was still with us and they ate, and ate. Wow, growing boys eat a lot!! After church, we had a quick lunch and Clint and the boys were off to gather some more calves. Clint had promised an afternoon hunting trip to McK and Wyatt so they had to hurry. I cleaned up, did more laundry and got ready to do a mini-photo session at the park with my best friend Misty and her girls. They are so adorable. We had a blast! Her oldest daughter is a natural in front of the camera, her youngest, a total ham!!! She was hilarious!!

I think we got some really good ones. I am writing this post between yawns so I better get myself to bed. Tomorrow is McK's first basketball game so we have to be rested up!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Macey - Senior 2009

It was such a beautiful day today! Lots of sunshine! Perfect for pictures. I took my niece Macey today and we did lots of pictures. She is a Senior this year, sniff, and we wanted to do some of the photos while the leaves are changing. I wanted to post a sample of what the results were. I haven't edited them yet but wanted to get a few on here for her to see. Let me know what you think.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday Thin Down Week #3

Ok, this is going to be short, it's late and I'm tired!

Week 3 = -.8
Total = -2 pounds

My exercise is going to increase this week and I writing EVERYTHING down!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Weight Loss Challenge

Tomorrow is my weekly "Thin Down Thursday." It could go either way this week. I have done good on my food choices and not eating out BUT my exercise log has a BIG, FAT ZERO! SO....I am going to try something new. I stumbled upon a weight loss challenge over at the Domestic Princess in Training via one of my favorite blogs, Mandi Shandi's. She is hosting the challenge from now until November 12. I think it will be great motivation and support.
Here's how this works, on Monday she will post some questions and we answer them and link up for the week. So here are this week's:

1.) What goal are you trying to reach before November 12th? I want to kick start my exercise regimen and my goal is 3-4 times a week for at least 30 minutes. That can't be that hard, can it? I am also quitting soft drinks - AGAIN. Up until recently (last 4 months) I had not touched a soft drink in over 2 years. And, lastly I would like to lose 7 pounds by the 12th.

2.) What are you going to do to support yourself in reaching your goal? The cool, fall days are encouraging enough to get outside and walk. What's 30 minutes? BUT, it has been raining buckets here - BUT, I have a treadmill!! and a DVR. I will walk while I am watching the crap I don't have time to watch on regular TV. As for the soft drinks, I will always keep tea in the fridge!

3.)Optional: You can include a picture/pictures of the things you are going to use to get you moving in the right direction. Picture it: a treadmill. (Sorry, don't have time to snap it right now.)

Take a look over at the Domestic Princess' blog (http://domesticprincessintraining.blogspot.com) and join in if you want...It's only 3 weeks!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thin down Thursday Week 2

Well, when I said I needed to blog my weight loss journey I decided I would do ALL weeks, even the bad ones. This week was a bad one, and it's only week 2!!! We were on the road 4 days this week, and I don't do well planning ahead. So, the verdict - I gained 1 pound. I WILL do better this week!!! Saturday is the only free day I am giving myself this week. I also will do more exercise.

Total = 1.2 loss

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ladies and Gentleman....we have PECANS!!

Granted there aren't enough to make a pecan pie, but, we know now they will produce some nuts!!
We planted over 1,000 trees over the last 2 years and some of them had a few nuts this year so we decided to make a "photo op" out of the day and take some pics as we picked them off. We are patiently waiting for the year we get at least a trailer load or two!!

Randy and Delena are standing beside one of our 2 year old trees. Looks good! We can't wait to see them in 5 years!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thin Down Thursday - Week 1

I've decided to blog my weight-loss journey for hopes that I can get encouragement from my sweet friends and family. Ok, Ok, it's really because of accountability! I know some of you will email me every Thursday to see how I did! (At least, I hope you will!) I don't really have a goal weight, I'd like to be back at my weight when I graduated from college. I really just want to be more healthy, exercise more, and, oh, yeah, the 5k race!! My race partners for the Thanksgiving race currently have a medical crisis going on and our training is practically extinct. Lord knows I'm not disciplined enough to do it myself! I have found a race, however, in late March that is my "new" goal. Wish me luck. On to the good stuff....

Week 1 = -2.2 pounds

Total = 2.2 pounds

A good recipe: Chicken Parmesan Bites

1/4 c. dry Italian bread crumbs
1 can 99% fat free cream of chicken soup
2 T. Parmesan cheese
2 C. cubed chicken breast
1/4 t. oregano
1/4 t. garlic powder
1/8 t. black pepper
2 T. Parmesan cheese
1 t. paprika

Combine crumbs, cheese, oregano, garlic, and pepper. Add soup and chicken. Place in 13x9 dish. Sprinkle with paprika and Parmesan cheese. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

4 servings = 6 points each (WW)
Serve with 2 oz. spaghetti noodles (4 pts) and 1/2 c. canned spaghetti sauce (1 pt)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Feeling Wicked?

Lookout Kansas City - here we come!!!
Sherri, Bethany, and I are headed up to KC in December to see the Broadway musical Wicked. We almost cannot contain our excitment! We are heading up after work on Friday - ROAD TRIP! We should arrive around midnight or so, Christmas shop on Saturday (if you know of any good shopping in the area, let me know) and then the musical on Saturday night!!! Sounds great, doesn't it.
Since it is in December and all of us have families, we didn't want to take away from our Christmas shopping. So we decided we should start an envelope a few months ago, we put in money each payday. By the time the trip gets here, we will have the money for gas, hotel, and tickets!!
It will be a great trip!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Polka Dot Factory

I started a new blog for my children's clothing and accessories. Check it out!!


Orders can be made by emailing polkadotfactory@yahoo.com
Let me know what you think and add me as a favorite!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Long weekend recap

I say "long" because I was off on Friday and am also going to be off Monday. Yeah me!! So, this is an update of the last few days, I was too busy to blog until now. This could get quite lengthy, but, I have time. I am sitting in the Tahoe in the Gander Mountain parking lot waiting on Clint. There is something about a man and his hunting hobby!! I can't say a word, he waits on me when I am in Hobby Lobby, Recollections, Michaels, the mall, well, you get the picture! He is so good to me! Ok, update time.....
Wednesday was our 9th anniversary. I can't believe it has been 9 years. I have a very sweet picture post to do, maybe tomorrow. Clint sent me flowers to work that day, they were so pretty. The bottom of them were yellow and faded to hot pink out toward the tips. I felt so special with them sitting on my desk that afternoon!
Thursday I attended a very special occasion. One of my dearest friends, Sherri, and her daughter Abby, are moving into a new place. So, Thursday a bunch of us showed up at her place unannounced while the washer and dryer were being delivered. We thought this was a perfect time to circle around and pray over the home before anything was moved in. We all joined hands and each of us prayed that God would wrap the home in love and just bless these special girls that all of us love so much. It was really a neat thing, I totally felt the Holy Spirit in the room. Love you guys so much!! and I know the new place is going to be perfect for the beginning of your new life.
Friday was a vacation day for me, we thought we would go out of town for our anniversary but things didn't work out. I took the day anyway. I got up early and did several loads of laundry and cleaned up the kitchen real good. I was working on some things for a show I was doing on Saturday and then there was a knock on the door....Most of you know our home is for sale, WELL....I opened the door and saw a very lovely couple standing there. They explained they were passing through and had called to make an appointment to view our place. They also explained they didn't receive a call back from our realtor (another long story, tell that one later!!) so they decided to come by and just look around. I took them through the house and we walked out to the pastures and stuff. They were so nice and seemed to be very interested so we'll see. Say a prayer we get an offer!!! I don't believe in coincidences, I believe in faith, and we have been praying fervently that God would show us we were doing the right thing. SO, you put that together.
Friday night we went to the local FFA rodeo. McKenna was up in the junior bull-riding. He has ridden for 5 years now, and I thought he was "retiring" but he couldn't NOT ride in his hometown rodeo!! HELLO!!??!! He got bucked off, so didn't win anything. Hopefully, he will hang up the bullrope now and get into something else!! Keep your fingers crossed.
Saturday morning I did a trade show with a friend in Hugo. I took some of the things I have been making and set them up in her booth. There were lots of people but not a whole lot of sales. But I did make several contacts so that was encouraging. After I got home, Clint and I packed a bag and were off to Frisco for the night. We stopped and shopped a few places on our way (I shopped, Clint waited) We checked into the Embassy Suites in Frisco and then went to eat. We love mexican food, so decided on Posados. Yum! They have the best homemade tortillas. Next, to the mall. We looked at the movie schedules and decided on the one we wanted to see. It was going to be about an hour so I went shopping and, well, Clint waited! After the movie, we perused the bookstore then headed back to the hotel and watched football. Yep, football!!!
Sunday morning we had a delicious breakfast at the hotel. It was soooo good. On the way home, we stopped and did some more shopping (I shopped, Clint waited). So, that brings us to the present and I'm finished. And I'm waiting, Clint's shopping!

Monday, September 21, 2009

No need for words....

I snapped these with my camera tonight as the sky was lighting up! Wow! I am just in amazement at God's creations!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Who says I can follow directions?

I was so excited about getting a Blog award, I didn't pay attention to the directions...Haha, I must make my mother SOOOO proud!

Ok, I am supposed to say "Thanks" to my presenter.....Ya'll - meet Mammy! She is one of my very favorite people in the whole world. She used to be my Sunday school teacher and was wonderful at it. She could take a passage of scripture and make it truly sing to my soul. She is so funny and absolutely an angel. Visit her blog www.cometomammys.blogspot.com
I am also supposed to share 10 things about myself - I listed 7 in the post below so here are 3 more...

8.) I pass out at the sight of my own blood. I start IV's on people everyday and it doesn't bother me, but when the needle is coming my direction.....Whew..I'm kinda light headed already!

9.) My husband prefers me raking hay, he says I am the only one that doesn't make a crazy pattern in front of the bayler! That is really a compliment, people!!

10.) I met Jimmy Houston coming out of the Branding Iron in Durant, Oklahoma. He is my all-time favorite professional fisherman, yes, I know, that is pretty amazing! Hahaha, as a girl who grew up on Red River in a family of fishermen, this is BIG. HUGE. I was even nicknamed "Jimmyetta" and my brother got me a genuine, autographed copy of Jimmy's book and he even wrote "to Jimmyetta....." He thought it was hilarious, had never heard such!

I am now supposed to present this award to 7 bloggers I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those whose blog has encouraged me.
Here they are.....

*Erica, www.haidynandlandry.blogspot.com
She is one of my very dear friends and an excellent photographer in Navarre Beach, Florida

*Amber at www.mcillecespot.blogspot.com
I love reading her blog and she encourages my "monogram" frenzy!

*Tickled Pink Housewife - I am honored she follows my blog, can't believe anyone finds my life the least bit interesting!

*Eloise at www.weaselsjourney.blogspot.com
I love reading her blog and tonight her brownie recipe makes my mouth water!

*Cassi at www.martyandcassirash.blogspot.com
She is on of the blogs I read for inspiration, she's a runner among other things

*Jeni at www.athomeingeorgia.blogspot.com
For one, she is raising her kids while her husband is overseas in the military -that alone is inspiring, but also she makes the most adorable things out of the cutest fabric!

*Melissa at www.huckleberryprairie.blogspot.com
I love her blog, it is so stinkin cute!

Now I must tell those 7 people they've been awarded Honest Scrap and inform them of the guidelines.
Please pay them a visit and tell them Mimi sent you!!!

Honest Crap Award (I mean Honest Scrap!) and a cookie recipe

Ok, I have been awarded the Honest Scrap Award from Mammy over at Come to Mammy's. I am supposed to list 7 honest things about me that people may not know. Hence the title, crap or scrap, either way here they are....

1.) I am terrified of water, I hate to swim and failed 4 years of swimming lessons when I was a kid.

2.) I flipped my teacher off when I was in Kindergarten and the sixth grade. In my defense, a high school boy told me it meant "Good Morning" so I was so excited to do it to Mrs. Knight in Kindergarten. As for doing it in the sixth grade? Let's just say I knew by then it did not mean "Good Morning." I am realtively sure I just mortified my mother!! AGAIN!

3.) I count my change once a month and keep it written down according to denomination. I keep it in a huge can in my closet and to date have $300.00 plus in pennies. Sorry, it's very OCD, I know.

4.) I got my first ticket when I was in college and was so scared to let my parents know, I went to the courthouse and met with the judge to beg him not to have it recorded on my insurance. I had a money order ready to pay the ticket, it was actually too much and when he asked for an address to send the refund, I quickly spouted out my aunt's address. He told me I was sure going through a lot of trouble so my parents wouldn't find out and I replied, "Sir, my dad told me if I ever get a ticket, I will have to park my car and not drive, and I believe he will do it!" As far as I know, my Mom just found out as she read this - and that has been 16 years ago!!

5.) I shave my legs EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! No, I don't have some wild disease where my hair grows at warp speed. I just can't stand even the thought of stubble.

6.) I eat M&M's according to color, red, then green, the blue - well, you get the picture. The only time I don't eat them that way is when I pour them into my popcorn at the movies.

7.) I love to duck hunt. Last year, I took up hunting so I could spend more time with my husband, and, well, ended up loving it!! Can't wait until December!!!

Whew! That was hard. I am a very open person, to come up with things I don't think people know was brutal. Ok, on to the recipe!!


1 cup peanut butter, creamy or chunky
1 cup sugar
1 egg

Mix together, form into balls, and press with a sugared glass. Sprinkle with a little sugar before baking. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes. They are so soft! You can make them any size you want. But the recipe will make about one dozen 1.5 inch diameter cookies. ENJOY!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Weekend Recap

We had a very rainy, relaxing, low-key weekend. Friday night when I got home from work I suprised Clint by saying "Yes" when he asked if I wanted to go to Sherman with him. When I say suprised, I mean I never do anything spontaneously - so when I said "Yes" he said, "you do?" So, off we went. He had bought a new bow for hunting this year and he wanted to go to Gander Mountain and get some things put on it. He dropped me off at Hobby Lobby so I could shop while waiting on him. I walked down to the bookstore after I was finished in HL and bought a book I had read about on someone's blog. The book is a diary of a girl during a trip from Arizona to Texas in the late 1800's. It is called, "These is my words" it is really good so far.
Saturday, I sewed all day and watched football. My OSU Cowboys got beat, but the game was good. In the evening, we drove around looking for deer (Clint is getting the fever, this happens every year!) It is getting to be that time of year - I always say I am a widow from October 1 to January 15 every year! I guess I can think of worse things my husband could be addicted to rather than hunting - so I feel very blessed. I took some pictures of a couple of things I finished up for my Etsy shop. Let me know what you think!

I am spending Sunday afternoon catching up on laundry and ironing. May even sneak a little nap in. I taught children's church this mornng and our lesson was over Mary and Martha - so this week my goal is to try to keep my heart and my ears open for God's word - not get so wrapped up in being busy, busy, busy. Hope everyone has a great week!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tomorrow is Wednesday and a Giveaway!

I have come up with the most grand idea!! Let's start beginning the week with Tuesday every week! I loved going to work today - mostly because Mondays are just dreadful at work - both doctors working, busy, busy, busy. BUT Tuesday, they are at our satelite clinics and it is my catch-up day! So, I managed to get slightly caught up today! Yeah! So, my vote is to do this every week! What about you?
I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my friend Sherri - shhhhh! Don't tell her, according to her - she's no longer having birthdays! But she deserves a special day so I hope she got one.

Hop over to www.cherrysjubileehome.blogspot.com - she is having a giveaway of the most adorable banners that she makes. I love her artwork and would love to have one of those hanging in my house. Check it out!!

Ok, remember - Mandy no longer does Mondays!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

Wow! I love 3 day weekends. I just wish they came more often! We had a nice restful weekend. I got my Etsy shop going, I only have 3 things listed so far but if you want to look go to www.etsy.com and chose Seller under the drop down menu and then type in thepolkadotfactory (all one word). I will get more up soon, very soon.

We cook steaks at Mom and Dad's tonight. Yum! We had steaks, red beans, mashed potatoes, corn salad, garlic toast, Pioneer Woman's onions, banana pudding, and apple pie. Are you stuffed yet? I am. If you haven't seen Pioneer Woman's recipe for grilled onions, go check out her website. They were delicious.
Well, back to work tomorrow! Oh, happy day!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Busy Saturday

I'm trying to get things made up for my Etsy shop and the shop in Soper today. I stopped at the quilt shop yesterday and picked up some more adorable fabrics for the bibs and burp cloths I am working on. It is very hard not to be drawn to the western and cowboy prints for little boys, because that's what my little boy will have. BUT, I have to realize not all little boys are cowpokes! SO, I came away with some very cute airplanes and dots fabric, some car/truck prints and this vintage Dick and Jane spaceship fabric. It is one of the cutest things I have seen in a while. I used it on a set of burp cloths today. It is so bright and cheerful and I love bright colors for babies.

Max laid in the chair all day while I made a huge mess of my dining room, a.k.a. "my studio." He couldn't take the chaos and covered his eyes!!

Here is what a day of creating does for my table!! Ever so often, I have to stop and straighten things up, I'm a touch OCD!!

This set is my "little buckaroo" set. I love the cowhide print. This one is set to be my "most popular" I'm sure. I have a cowgirl version also, that is pink and brown. It is so stinkin cute too!

Hope you all had a great Saturday. We're off to a rodeo to watch McKenna's friend Wyatt team rope.

Friday, September 4, 2009

"Dip"iddy do dah!!!

This is fun! Kinda like a big recipe parade. Here is my dip that I am featuring on BooMamas dip extravaganza. It is the best dip ever! And the crockpot is an easy way to take it along to a potluck and keep it warm.

Spicy Layer Taco Dip

1 pound hamburger meat
1 pkg. Taco seasoning
1 can black beans, drained
1 (16 oz) sour cream
1 (8 oz) sharp cheddar cheese, grated

Brown hamburger meat and add taco seasoning. In a crockpot, layer meat mixture, then black beans, followed by the sour cream. Top with grated cheese. Heat on low until cheese is melted.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Welcome Welcome

Ahhhhh....do you feel that? That crisp, cool breeze. I think Fall is riding in on the evening breeze. AND I LOVE IT!!! Fall is my favorite time of year. This weekend I am dragging out the pumpkin candles, the fall wreath for my front door and the beautiful ceramic pumpkin I got in Frisco a few weeks ago. Last night I opened all of the windows in the house - I love sleeping with the sounds of the outdoors! WELL - that is of course with a few exceptions - LIKE WEANING CALVES! Clint seperated the calves away from their moms on Sunday. Last night I thought I would have to put the pillow over my head to be able to get to sleep. McKenna even commented this morning that he wished those mamas would SHUT UP! Not only were they loud, but they were quite frisky. Two calves were out when I got home so I spent 30 minutes trying to get them to go back in the gate. They were having none of that! Luckily, a neighbor came down the road and helped me get the job done. I love nice neighbors.
I am also working on my Etsy store. I hope to get it up and running this weekend. I have some really cute things made up to add to the store. I will keep you posted on that!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Cut from the same cloth

I wanted to post something very special today! So many people have commented on my new baby things and the sewing projects I have done recently and while it is so wonderful on my pride, I can't take all the credit! I am a third generation seamstress. Both of my grandmothers were excellent with their hands. My Memaw, my maternal grandmother, crocheted the most delicate and intricate doilies. I treasure all of the ones I have. She also has done a beautiful crocheted table cloth for each of her grand kids, even my brother (he's the only grandson) It covered my reception table at my wedding and has been on my table at home for many special occasions. She also made so many afghans. I love to snuggle into them on cold days and think about all of the time she invested in her projects. I miss her so much!
My Nanny, my paternal grandmother, is a quilter. The very first thing I remember her making for me was a "coat of many colors" when I was very small. She made a quilt for me when I got married and embroidered her signature on the back, it's the tiny things that are so special to me. She is where I get my "fabric addiction." I only used quotations because that's what my loved ones call it - I personally don't think it's a problem.
Then there is my mother, the second generation. My mother taught me to use my sewing machine. There is no one out there that can sew more perfectly than Mom. If something isn't right, she will rip it out and start over. She taught me to measure twice, cut once and all that jargon. I loved doing things with my Mom because I knew they would always be perfect. She also could put my vision into something tangible. I would come home and say, "Mom, I wish I had ___?__?__? and she would say, "Oh, we could make that!" She is very creative. I love bouncing ideas off of her - the only thing that she raises an eyebrow at is my choice of fabric, or actually the combination of my choices sometime. I once made a patchwork purse by just shutting my eyes and reaching into the bin for 6 pieces of fabric. She thought it was hideous but it was the first purse I sold at a craft fair! I love my Mom!!
All in all, I guess the love of sewing and creating is in my genes! Thankfully these special ladies loved me enough to share their love of doing it with me. I am so thankful!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Baby Shower Gifts

I just had to share these overalls and burp cloths I made for a friend to give as a gift at her cousin's baby shower. I thought they turned out so cute!! The little baby girl is going to be a little "cowgirl" so I made the overalls with a vintage pink/brown fabric. I made a set of matching burp cloths, and also a set of polka dot burp cloths.

I am currently making a basket of burp cloths for my beautician to display at her beauty shop. People are always looking for a quick baby gift to pick up and the monograms make it a little more personal! Let me know what you think!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fun Idea

I made these cute ornaments for my nieces and nephews. I just got empty glass ornaments at Hobby Lobby and filled them with shredded paper that you would use in gift bags. I used glitter stickers to spell their names and cutesie Christmas ribbons were tied to the top! WA-LA! Very inexpensive, yet adorable! These would be great for teachers or Sunday school kids too!
Thanks Sydney for helping Mimi take the pictures!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Ok, I've lived in my house for 4 years. We bought new furniture when we moved in. I picked a beautiful black Attic Heirlooms hutch that matched my farmhouse table and its black chairs. The hutch is my favorite piece in the whole house. It houses my Fiesta collections of red, sunflower, shamrock, and tangarine. Beautiful colors against the black. WELL, several times I have asked Clint would he please put in the glass shelves in the bottom cabinets so I could maximize the storage of those areas (I'm sure all of your husbands do things the first time they are asked!) WELL, 4 years later the glass shelves are still stored under the guest room bed. OK, now for the suprise. I was cleaning the wood floors in the dining room today. Ever so often when I get a wild hair I love cleaning the floors with a rag down on my hands and knees. Just something about a shiny floor!! (That doesn't happen that often, Lord knows we don't want to put the Swifer Wet Jet people out of business!) So, I'm reaching under the hutch and I see this black strap hanging down. As I press my face to the floor to get a better look I see not only 1 strap but 4. What on earth! So I get the scissors and start cutting blindly through the straps, not seeing a thing of what I am cutting. As I clip the 4th strap this heavy wrapped package falls down on my hands! Ouch! I catch myself yelling because 1. it scared the crap out of me, 2. it kinda hurt 3. I just knew it was a secret treasure left by someone who knew I could use a treasure! I pulled the package out and unwrapped it and, low and behold, its shelves! Wooden shelves! For the bottom cabinets! No wonder my darling husband hadn't installed the glass ones, he KNEW they weren't the right shelves! I'm kinds embarrassed it took 4 years to find them but who in the world would have looked on the very bottom of the piece. And why didn't the furniture salesman tell my the blasted things were under there?? So now I'm happy, I have a clean dining room and I love storage so having the shelves makes me want to clean out the cabinets and rearrange on my new shelves. and I know Clint is so happy I have added another thing to the honeydo list!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How many people can fit in a king size bed?

This weekend Mom and I met my sister and 2 nieces in Frisco, Texas for some back to school shopping. We met up about 10:30 a.m. and shopped until 7:00 p.m. Yep, that's right 8.5 hours!! OMG. My feet hurt so bad. We topped our night off with dinner at The Cheesecake Factory! Yummy! I got on-line Friday night and got us a room using Priceline.com. Well, I secured a room at the Sheraton Stonebriar for 65.00! Go me! WELL, when we checked in, the only room available was a King room. Yikes! We got a roll-away bed to put in there also. So, what's that mean, you ask. That means Granni got a great nights sleep and Tina and I got to share the bed with two teenage girls! Kings are not meant for 4 people! We got a good 3 hour sleep - Maybe!
We got up Sunday and had breakfast at IHOP before parting ways and heading back home. We had such a good time, parusing good deals, and getting some high fashion items for the girls to start to school in!
Next time I vote Mimi doesn't make the room reservation!

Friday, August 14, 2009

First Day of School

Wednesday was McKenna's first day of 6th grade! He was so excited, can't you tell! Ha! I was more excited than he was...I'm the one that didn't sleep a wink on Tuesday night! I love the beginning of school, I always have. There is just something about the smell of a new box of crayons, or a brand new notebook! Buying school supplies has always been a favorite thing of mine. My Mom always made us save our new school clothes for school, of course, but I remember for days leading up to the first day, I prepared. I chose my outfit, and had all my supplies in my book bag way before the first day. Good times they were!!
This year McK's teacher is a lady that lived down the road from my family while I was growing up. She is such a precious person and I am thrilled she didn't retire last year! I begged her to at least stay until McKenna got through the 6th grade. So, I decided to make her a little "Thanks for being a teacher" gift for the first day of school. I have several people in my family and some dear friends who are teachers and I know we all take our teachers for granted. I wanted Mrs. Jones to know she was appreciated and we were excited about this year! Of course, McK was mortified I was doing this. He was so embarrassed that I wanted to take him to school and make sure he got settled the first day! Oh dear, nothing like having a teenager in the house!!

I filled this little basket with green and red apples and some of the ingredients to make a yummy apple dip that has cream cheese, toffee bits, and sugar! It is soooo good! I made a cute little card to go along with it and attached the recipe inside. Didn't it make a cute basket! After I finished it, I showed McK and he asked, "Who's taking that to Mrs. Jones?" I replied, "Well, Honey, you are." His face said it all "I'm NOT taking that to her!!" So, who do you think ended up carrying the basket into the classroom? Me, yes! So I carried it in on Wednesday morning and sat it on her desk. I couldn't help but think about him all day and wondered how his day was going. At precisely 4:00 p.m. my phone rang. It was McKenna. Do you want to know what he said? "Mrs. Jones loved her basket, "WE" got her just the right thing. She said, that was sweet of "US." (Did you notice the "we" and the "us" that all of a sudden popped up when she liked the basket?)Haha

I hope next week goes as smoothly as these last few days!
Here is the recipe for the dip if you would like to try it:

Toffee Apple Dip
1 box cream cheese, softened
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/4 c. sugar
1 t vanilla
1 package toffee bits

Mix together and serve with apple slices

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Some serious cuteness!

Here are some new things I've been working on this weekend. The initial onesie is so cute. I made a little fabric flower and attached it with a button. I used some new fabric on the bib, I love the bright colors. The little girl I made it for will have a very vivid personality I am sure!! (Kim, if you see this, close your eyes!)

You can see the coordinating materials on the back. I love them both! Dare I ask for you all to pick a favorite??

This is an initial bib. This is what happens when the name is longer that 5 characters!! Haha. No, I wanted to try something different. I love the vintage print of this one! Sorry about having to look sideways at the photo, I'm not sure how to flip it over.

Well, this explains why very little house cleaning got done this weekend!! I had fun though!

Friday, August 7, 2009

10 Things about Me

I have seen this on several of my favorite blogs this week. I thought it was so neat and interesting, so I thought I would give it a try. Here are 10 things you may or may not know about me, find interesting, or really may not give a hoot but may be board to tears reading blogs and landed at mine! Whatever the reason, here it goes...
1.) I love brown. How boring you say...think fall, chocolate, coffee. Ummm...

2.) I am hopelessly addicted to "18 kids and Counting!" I think it is quite bizarre for anyone to have 18 kids but I love the Duggars. It is refreshing to see clean TV. They teach their kids about God, hard work, loving relationships and morality. Check it out on TLC. (Guess I'll admit to watching "Toddlers and Tiaras" also. I mean who doesn't love watching a mom totally make her child over to look 21 in a beauty pageant!) Ha Ha

3.) I can drive a stick shift. But I have to admit I am very nervous driving in the city. When I drove Clint's truck to work, I left an hour early so I wouldn't have to take off in 1st gear in the midst of early morning school traffic!

4.) My clothes are hung in the closet facing the same way, by season, then color. Suprise, suprise huh! I also hang Clint's the same way. I have been known to ask the cleaners to please hang his shirts the opposite way on the hanger.

5.) When I was little, my Nanny claims everytime I fell, I landed on my head. I have scars to prove it! Once I fell in the back of my Papa's pick-up and bumped my head and I told my Nanny he hit me in the head with a bucket! I sometimes wonder how many brain cells were damaged in all those falls???

6.) I am terrified of water and failed 4 years of swimming lessons! The smell of chlorine almost makes me vomit.

7.) I want to visit all 50 states before I die, so far I have visited 21.

8.) I love to scrapbook.

9.) I love magazines and currently have subscriptions to 7 each month!

10.) There is very few Sundays in the year that I don't take an afternoon nap. It's a habit I started many, many years ago. There is just something about it that I love!!

There you have it. Share 10 things about yourself with me!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Well folks, the ballots are in....I didn't pass. :(
I got my letter yesterday with the news that I will yet again spend another year studying for my dosimetry boards. Sounds like fun, huh? I want to vomit! Out of the 9 sections I passed all but 3, those sections I scored "minimally under compentency." That's the nice way of saying "too many wrong answers." I am frustrated, mad, sad, and after a good stomping around, crying, and ranting evening last night I am ready to go again! Those who know me well know that I don't take failure well - in fact I have never, I repeat never, failed anything until last year when I took the boards the first time. So, for me to have to stomach the fact I will be repeating the test a 3rd time is almost more than my pride can take. Please remember me in your prayers as I hit the books again. I can't say enough how great my family and close friends have been. Encouraging would be a mild word for it! Thanks everybody!
Ok, enough of that mushy stuff. Now, where did I leave my book?????

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Go Fish

This is my Nanny. She came to eat fish with us on Friday night. We grew up right next door to her and she spoiled us rotten. She is going to celebrate her 81st birthday on the 11th.
This picture is of 3 of the 4 "Sample girls" (Miss you Tina!) Me, my Mom and Delena, my new sister (in-law)

The newlyweds! Randy and Delena Sample

Have I ever shared with you that we have the best cooks in my family! No, not me. (Hahaha) but these 3 guys! Cliint and Randy are masters at the grill or the fish cooker. My Dad does a good job supervising and taste testing. They are the chief cooks at all our campouts, reunions, and birthday parties. We love it too, because they usually clean up!
Mom and Dad had fished on Thursday and caught a bunch of crappie so we had a fish fry on Friday night. It was so good!