Sunday, May 27, 2012

36 weeks

How far along:  36 weeks, 3 days

Size of baby: 18 inches, 6 pounds (the size of a crenshaw melon)  ((according to

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!  Kodi Reese

Weight gain: 20 pounds

Movement: A lot...not as many kicks and jabs anymore but it feels like big, rolling movements!

Sleep: I haven't had that great of sleep patterns for several weeks now.  I go to bed around 10:30 p.m. and get up about 12:30 or 1:00 to go to the bathroom.  Then it takes a little while to go back to sleep and I'm usually up again around 4 or 4:30 a.m.  If its a work day, I just get up, if it's the weekend, I will take a bath and then go back to bed.  I get really sleepy when the sun starts coming up and can usually go back to sleep for a few hours.

Symptoms: I still have the aggravating restless leg syndrome!  It is so annoying and miserable!  I so hope when Reese is born that it goes away or at least subsides to where its NOT every night.
The last few days, I've had really swollen feet by the end of the day.  Not pretty!

Cravings: I have no cravings at this point, I can't eat very much at one time because I have no room!

Best moment of the week:  We celebrated my last baby shower with our church family....again, we were abundantly blessed!  It was so nice to spend the afternoon with such sweet women!  I had a Dr. appt this week and he examined me for the first time, but, unfortunately there were no changes!  I go back next week.  Keeping my fingers crossed!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

34 Weeks and "it's a start"

How far along:  34 weeks and 3 days

 Size of baby: 17.5 inches long and a little over 5 pounds, but like I said last week, Miss Reese was measuring close to 5 pounds 4 weeks ago! My doctor made the comment,"she isn't going to be small." I will have another U/S at 36 weeks, so we will see then!

Gender: Sweet baby girl! Kodi Reese

Weight gain: 15 pounds

 Movement:  She moves quite a bit!  I hope she is still head down!  I will know on Wednesday!  Cross your fingers!

Sleep: My sleep is better.  I get up at least 2 times a night to go to the bathroom!

Symptoms:  Restless legs syndrome is still my only major problem.  I have to say, it has been better the last 2 nights...knock on wood!

Cravings: Still start my day with a fizzy Sprite!

Best moments of the week:  Had my first baby shower last Saturday, it was amazing!  To know Reese is being loved by so many people!  I will have a picture post of the shower later.  

Clint was in the nursery this morning before church....I had put her piggy bank on her dresser and he picked it up and shook it...I told him there wasn't anything in there yet. He said, "well, that needs to change!" He proceeded to get out a dollar and he signed his name and dated it and put it in the bank! It was so sweet, and if you know my husband, you know he isn't the mushy kind of guy! I can already tell this little girl has him TIED!!!! Haha

Saturday, May 5, 2012

33 weeks

How far along:33 weeks and 3 days

 Size of baby: 17 inches long and a little over 4 pounds, but like I said last week, Miss Reese was measuring close to 5 pounds 3 weeks ago! My doctor made the comment,"she isn't going to be small." I will have another U/S at 36 weeks, so we will see then!

Gender: Sweet baby girl! Kodi Reese

Weight gain: 15 pounds

 Movement:She moves a lot! It feels like she is flipping over and over in there! Sometimes she must hit my stomach or something, because I get nauseous! Weird, I know!

Sleep: My sleep is good, when I get to sleep. I get up at least 4 times a night to go to the bathroom!

Symptoms:The only thing bothering me right now is my legs. I have terrible "restless legs." I have tried EVERY remedy I have been told Dr. doubled up on my Iron and had me eliminate caffeine, but that really hasn't helped much. At my last appointment, he told me to take a Bendryl at bedtime, that is the last resort, other than just deal with it. 

Cravings: I am in love with Sprite right now! I can't have caffeine right now and LOVE that fizz! 

Best moments of the week:  Had my Dr.'s appt this week and we discussed what is fixing to start exciting!  I will start going every week next visit (in 2 weeks).  He is going to check me for the first time!  Scary and exciting all at the same time!  He said he could tell she has moved down in my pelvis and I told him I could tell also!  Her heart rate was perfect and she is still measuring "a little large"  Next appt May 16th!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Baby BP's "Sprinkle"

Yesterday at my work, we celebrated my sweet friend's upcoming Baby Boy!  This is baby #2, so we chose to "sprinkle" her with all things BOY!  Bethany has a precious little girl, Addison, she came to "help" and see what all baby brother got!

Sherri, Bethany and I have worked together in the Radiation Oncology department for several years and we have so enjoyed each other! We were so excited when Addison was born and now my baby Reese and Bethany's new baby will only be 3 weeks apart. It's thrown "Auntie S" into overdrive!! Bethany was "sprinkled" with lots of goodies for Baby BP. We work with such loving co workers! Everyone enjoyed the food, watching her open all the adorable boy things, and the favors! Now we just sit and wait for the little guys arrival!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

32 Weeks

How far along:32 weeks

Size of baby: The book says she should be about 17 inches long and 3.75 pounds...however, my little overachiever weighs around 5 pounds already!

Gender: a sweet, sweet baby girl! Kodi Reese

Weight gain:11 pounds

Movement:all the time! She is quite active!!!

Sleep: I'm good t.o get 3 or 4 hours in a row a night.

Symptoms:Restless legs...ugh! I have tried some many different remedies to cure this, but the general consensus is....just deal with it.

Cravings: Not really anything in particular....I have to have water all the time!

Best moment of the week:Getting the final touches put on the to come. I have a Dr. appt tomorrow, excited about that!!!