Sunday, May 24, 2009

So Blessed...

I'm the middle child. Those who know me well say I definately have the "middle child syndrome." Each of us (Tina, Randy and I) have very distinct personalities. We each bring something different to the table. Tina, the oldest, is serious most times, intelligent, motherly, and keeps me grounded. She is faithful and gives great advice. She is so strong and is a great role model. When she needs to get her point across, she starts out, "Amanda...." When she uses my real name, she is about to say something she needs me to hear---clearly.

Randy is the youngest, the only boy. Need I say more? He is also serious most times, very business minded, he thinks meticulously and is passionate about things he holds dear. He is loyal to family and friends and that speaks volumes for his character. When he needs to talk, he calls and asks, "Got any tea made?" I know to always say yes! We love to sit and talk about our futures, we both love the farm life. Some of the best conversations have been while we were working in our trees.

I am the "cut-up" in between these two. I like to think my humor is enough for all 3 of us. Don't get me wrong, they both can be absolutely hilarious and are both very witty, but I tend to be the comic usually. I am the "idea thinker-upper" then I go to them to devise the plan. I'm the planner, the scheduler, and I know secretly they appreciate when I remind them to "stay on task, please!" We have a lot of fun together and are a perfect mix of personalities.

This picture was taken on Randy's wedding day in March. I love it! It shows clearly the way we feel about our baby brother. I am so thankful I have a wonderful relationship with my siblings!

1 comment:

  1. God has been so good to Wayne and I . These three kids have truely been a blessing! What more can a parent want? Mandy, thanks for putting into words the love you have for your "big sis" and "little brother"! It's nice for parents to hear. We have a huge weekend planned this coming Fri., Sat., and Sun. Celebrating D.J.'s highschool graduation! Nothing makes us happier than to be ALL together!!!! Love, Mom
